Ozone Shock Treatment
Ozone and Its Applications
Ozone is the second most powerful sterilant in the world and can be used to destroy bacteria, viruses and odours. Interestingly ozone occurs quite readily in nature, most often as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms. In fact the fresh, clean, spring rain smell that we notice after a storm most often results from nature’s creation of ozone. However, we are probably most familiar with ozone from reading about the "ozone layer" that circles the planet above the earth’s atmosphere. Here ozone is created by the sun's ultra-violet rays. This serves to protect us from the ultra-violet radiation.
While ozone is very powerful, it has a very short life cycle. When contaminants such as odours, bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, they are destroyed completely by oxidation. The odour will not come back unless the source of the odour was not completely removed or it has been reintroduced. Ozone reverts back to oxygen usually within 20-30 minutes.
What is Ozone made up of?
Ozone (O3) is a highly charged form of the oxygen (O2) that we breathe. Nature has been producing ozone for millions of years. At ground level, O3 and also acts as a natural sanitizer to keep the air smelling fresh and clean. In the upper atmosphere, ozone acts as a protective layer that partially shields the earth from the sun's UV rays. Life on earth as we know it could not exist without O3. This third oxygen atom is loosely attached, unstable and seeks out pollutants. It will then release and oxidize the pollutant on contact.
Ozone (O3) is sometimes referred to as "Activated Oxygen", "Triatomic Oxygen" or "Super Oxygen". It contains three atoms of oxygen (O3) rather than the two in the air that we breathe (O2). Keeping in mind Ozone is Ozone. Oxygen in this form is a powerful sterilizer that can destroy bacteria, viruses and odours on contact. Ozone is often created in nature, usually as a result of lightning strikes. Our machines produce ozone by passing dried, oxygen-containing gas through an electrical field that causes the oxygen molecules to 'split'.
How Does Nature Produce Ozone?
Ozone is created by lightning during active thunderstorms by splitting O2 molecules in half, and allowing the single molecules to attach to regular oxygen molecules, thus becoming O3. The process is known as corona discharge and often creates a fresh clean smell in the air after a thunderstorm that can be very distinctive. Ozone is also created by ultraviolet rays from the sun striking the earth and its atmosphere.
How is Ozone Created in Polluted Cities?
Since life began, nature has created ozone on earth as a result of sunlight striking gases being emitted from decaying matter, keeping the planet fresh and clean. This is nature's response to pollution in the air. When automobiles and industry pollute the air in our cities, UV light from the sun strikes these emissions, creating ozone as one of the byproducts. Burning fossil fuel also creates very fine particulate as well as numerous chemical compounds, but ozone is easy to measure and used as an overall indicator of pollution. Cleaner burning fuels, more efficient engines and exhaust reduction devices have begun to slowly improve air quality in many US cities.
Outdoors, nature eliminates odours and microorganisms using both UV light and O3. Indoors, most places that generate odours receive very little UV light or O3. The Odour-Free purifier creates O3, or ozone, in a special process that utilizes an electrical current. Ozone sanitizes by breaking down odours, microorganisms and other pollutants at their source.
Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaner during thunderstorms, and also from sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere. As an example, we’ve all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced the clean, fresh smell in the air. That's O3, or ozone, at work.
Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone. It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused. This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the odour has been permanently removed. And there are no artificial odours so the space becomes free of odours, as nature intended. Employ the cleaning power of nature and create an outdoor fresh environment in your facility!
Applications of Ozone
Ozone is also ideal for many types of odour removal in many different settings and locations. Several of these are listed below.
Smoke Odour Removal: Extremely effective for smoke odour removal because the O3 attacks odours at their source, even if they are clinging to walls, fabrics and duct-work. The best way to remove cigarette odour from smoking bars, bingo parlors, pubs, casinos and pool halls is at night while the facility is closed. Buildings that have suffered fire and smoke damage may require a longer term ozone shock treatment but ozone is very effective in fire damage and tobacco smoke odour removal.
Pet Odour Removal: Ozone generators are used for pet odour removal to sanitize the entire area living area while the pets are away. Ozone works great in homes, offices, clinics and other facilities as a dog and cat urine odour remover, as well as general pet odours clinging to bedding, carpet, walls or ceilings. Ozone will go wherever air flows to oxidize odours at their source. Pet odours that have saturated deeply into carpet may need to be professionally cleaned or require remediation.
Car Odour Removal: Used vehicles are much harder to sell if they contain smoke or other foul odours, and no customer wants to rent a smelly car, Create a fresh smelling, car, truck, and RV or tour bus free of odours.
Apartments, Houses, Rental Properties, Hotel Rooms, Dormitories: A residence with an odour problem can hinder the sale or rental of an otherwise beautiful home. Ozone generators are extremely effective at removing odours that cling to walls, carpet, furniture, drapes, and inside ductwork as well as in the bathroom, kitchen and closets. Remove cigarette odour, body odours, pet odours or almost any odour before renting homes, apartments, dormitories or hotel rooms to new occupants.
Schools, Classrooms, Offices: Schools, classrooms and office buildings develop odours as a result of being used for extended periods by a variety of occupants. In addition, school locker rooms and gymnasiums are notorious for developing odours that are not easy to eliminate. For the most comprehensive microorganism and odour removal, with ozone odour removal, the next occupant enters an office or classroom and there is no trace of an odour from previous inhabitants.
Water Damage, Mold/Mildew: When water floods all or part of a facility, mold and mildew are almost inevitable. In water damaged areas or damp environments O3 will deteriorate the cell structure of microorganisms, mold and mildew, and break down their ability to reproduce.
While ozone is very powerful, it has a very short life cycle. When contaminants such as odours, bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, they are destroyed completely by oxidation. The odour will not come back unless the source of the odour was not completely removed or it has been reintroduced. Ozone reverts back to oxygen usually within 20-30 minutes.
What is Ozone made up of?
Ozone (O3) is a highly charged form of the oxygen (O2) that we breathe. Nature has been producing ozone for millions of years. At ground level, O3 and also acts as a natural sanitizer to keep the air smelling fresh and clean. In the upper atmosphere, ozone acts as a protective layer that partially shields the earth from the sun's UV rays. Life on earth as we know it could not exist without O3. This third oxygen atom is loosely attached, unstable and seeks out pollutants. It will then release and oxidize the pollutant on contact.
Ozone (O3) is sometimes referred to as "Activated Oxygen", "Triatomic Oxygen" or "Super Oxygen". It contains three atoms of oxygen (O3) rather than the two in the air that we breathe (O2). Keeping in mind Ozone is Ozone. Oxygen in this form is a powerful sterilizer that can destroy bacteria, viruses and odours on contact. Ozone is often created in nature, usually as a result of lightning strikes. Our machines produce ozone by passing dried, oxygen-containing gas through an electrical field that causes the oxygen molecules to 'split'.
How Does Nature Produce Ozone?
Ozone is created by lightning during active thunderstorms by splitting O2 molecules in half, and allowing the single molecules to attach to regular oxygen molecules, thus becoming O3. The process is known as corona discharge and often creates a fresh clean smell in the air after a thunderstorm that can be very distinctive. Ozone is also created by ultraviolet rays from the sun striking the earth and its atmosphere.
How is Ozone Created in Polluted Cities?
Since life began, nature has created ozone on earth as a result of sunlight striking gases being emitted from decaying matter, keeping the planet fresh and clean. This is nature's response to pollution in the air. When automobiles and industry pollute the air in our cities, UV light from the sun strikes these emissions, creating ozone as one of the byproducts. Burning fossil fuel also creates very fine particulate as well as numerous chemical compounds, but ozone is easy to measure and used as an overall indicator of pollution. Cleaner burning fuels, more efficient engines and exhaust reduction devices have begun to slowly improve air quality in many US cities.
Outdoors, nature eliminates odours and microorganisms using both UV light and O3. Indoors, most places that generate odours receive very little UV light or O3. The Odour-Free purifier creates O3, or ozone, in a special process that utilizes an electrical current. Ozone sanitizes by breaking down odours, microorganisms and other pollutants at their source.
Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaner during thunderstorms, and also from sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere. As an example, we’ve all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced the clean, fresh smell in the air. That's O3, or ozone, at work.
Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone. It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused. This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the odour has been permanently removed. And there are no artificial odours so the space becomes free of odours, as nature intended. Employ the cleaning power of nature and create an outdoor fresh environment in your facility!
Applications of Ozone
Ozone is also ideal for many types of odour removal in many different settings and locations. Several of these are listed below.
Smoke Odour Removal: Extremely effective for smoke odour removal because the O3 attacks odours at their source, even if they are clinging to walls, fabrics and duct-work. The best way to remove cigarette odour from smoking bars, bingo parlors, pubs, casinos and pool halls is at night while the facility is closed. Buildings that have suffered fire and smoke damage may require a longer term ozone shock treatment but ozone is very effective in fire damage and tobacco smoke odour removal.
Pet Odour Removal: Ozone generators are used for pet odour removal to sanitize the entire area living area while the pets are away. Ozone works great in homes, offices, clinics and other facilities as a dog and cat urine odour remover, as well as general pet odours clinging to bedding, carpet, walls or ceilings. Ozone will go wherever air flows to oxidize odours at their source. Pet odours that have saturated deeply into carpet may need to be professionally cleaned or require remediation.
Car Odour Removal: Used vehicles are much harder to sell if they contain smoke or other foul odours, and no customer wants to rent a smelly car, Create a fresh smelling, car, truck, and RV or tour bus free of odours.
Apartments, Houses, Rental Properties, Hotel Rooms, Dormitories: A residence with an odour problem can hinder the sale or rental of an otherwise beautiful home. Ozone generators are extremely effective at removing odours that cling to walls, carpet, furniture, drapes, and inside ductwork as well as in the bathroom, kitchen and closets. Remove cigarette odour, body odours, pet odours or almost any odour before renting homes, apartments, dormitories or hotel rooms to new occupants.
Schools, Classrooms, Offices: Schools, classrooms and office buildings develop odours as a result of being used for extended periods by a variety of occupants. In addition, school locker rooms and gymnasiums are notorious for developing odours that are not easy to eliminate. For the most comprehensive microorganism and odour removal, with ozone odour removal, the next occupant enters an office or classroom and there is no trace of an odour from previous inhabitants.
Water Damage, Mold/Mildew: When water floods all or part of a facility, mold and mildew are almost inevitable. In water damaged areas or damp environments O3 will deteriorate the cell structure of microorganisms, mold and mildew, and break down their ability to reproduce.
What Odours Can We Remove With Ozone Shock Treatments?
Cigarette Smoke
The smell associated with cigarette smoke is actually a chemical. Covering it with a layer of paint will only mask it for a short period of time (as little as weeks) until the smell begins to ooze through the paint. Ozone will destroy cigarette smoke but will only be partly effective if the smoke has been covered with paint prior to ozone treatment. Smoke from House Fire Smells left from fire are mixtures of chemical residue from various building materials. Ozone shock treatment will successfully remove these odors. Musty Smells Smells associated with damp areas such as a flooded basement can be removed with ozone shock treatment. The source of moisture intrusion will need to be eliminated in order for the shock treatment to be successful. Pet Odours Smells from pet dander can effectively be removed but may require an application of a special deodorizer at an extra charge. |
Pet Urine
Pet urine is difficult to remove and will require an application of a special deodorizer prior to ozone shock treatment. It can still be successful but an extra charge would apply as this is a two part treatment. Chemical Smells/VOCs Odours from chemicals used in residential and commercial applications. Cooking Odors Smells associated with cooking such as curry garlic and fish can be removed with ozone shock treatment. Sports Apparels Odour from sweaty sports equipment can be removed but will eventually return with re-use. Great prior to summer storage. |
Other Uses for Ozone Shock Treatment
Mold and Mildew Elimination
Ozone will destroy bacteria and fungus as well as eliminating pet smells and cooking odours. Smoke odour molecules that infiltrate porous surfaces can be permanently removed and ozone will work on the most stubborn odour molecules, such as protein. Odours associated with decay - like freezer failure - do not respond well to normal chemical deodorizing attempts, but ozone can neutralize even these contaminants. After treatment, ozone quickly turns back into oxygen so that no harmful by-products remain. An ozone shock treatment procedure eliminates odours and contamination from the air and surfaces within a confined area where the treatment is deployed. Then with regular and ongoing applications, it can provide continuous control over recurring contamination. While performing a shock treatment, make sure that all people, pets, plants and other animals are not in the area to be treated for a period of 24 hours minimum. |
Hotel Room Deodorization
Indoor air pollution is a common problem in hotel and motel settings. Mold, fungus and other sources of air contamination can trigger allergies, asthma, bacterial or viral infections - or just smell bad. Ozone Shock Treatment improves air quality by generating the ozone necessary to eliminate microorganisms, unpleasant smells, and residual smoke, alcohol and body odours. After doing its job, ozone quickly turns back into oxygen as it is an unstable gas with a half-life of 25 minutes (this means every 25 minute time period half of it turns back into oxygen). Ozone generators are ideal for quickly eliminating odours left behind by guests. Hotel/Motel rooms can usually be deodorized for alcohol, cooking, cigarette and body odours. |
Automobile and RV Deodorization
Indoor air pollution is a common problem in automobiles and recreation vehicles. Mold, fungus and other sources of air contamination can trigger allergies, asthma, bacterial or viral infections - or just smell bad. Ozone Shock Treatment improves air quality by generating the ozone necessary to eliminate microorganisms, unpleasant smells, and residual smoke, alcohol and body odours. After doing its job, ozone quickly turns back into oxygen as it is an unstable gas with a half-life of 25 minutes (this means every 25 minute time period half of it turns back into oxygen). For cars, trucks and recreational vehicles, most odours produced by mold, mildew and cigarette smoke can be removed easily in one to two hours. First the vehicle needs to be thoroughly cleaned, especially when the odour is caused by spilled liquids such as milk or urine. |